Results for 'Hans Ferdinand Bürki'

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  1.  26
    Fluid Theodicy.Hans-Ferdinand Angel - 2024 - Scientia et Fides 12 (1):11-50.
    The term theodicy was coined by the philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716) and is inherent in the question of how evil can exist if an intrinsically good God guides everything. The publication of this oeuvre initiated intense philosophical and theological discourse in the subsequent centuries, during which many issues that bare upon human well-being were articulated. Also, Leibniz’s rational approach to the relationship between God and evil raised a number of issues related to the topic of belief. This topic has (...)
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    Violations of Expectations As Matter for the Believing Process.Hans-Ferdinand Angel & Rüdiger J. Seitz - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Processes of Believing: The Acquisition, Maintenance, and Change in Creditions.Hans-Ferdinand Angel, Lluis Oviedo, Raymond F. Paloutzian, Anne L. C. Runehov & Rüdiger J. Seitz (eds.) - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This volume answers the question: Why do we believe what we believe? It examines current research on the concept of beliefs, and the development in our understanding of the process of believing. It takes into account empirical findings in the field of neuroscience regarding the processes that underlie beliefs, and discusses the notion that beyond the interactive exploratory analysis of sensory information from the complex outside world, humans engage in an evaluative analysis by which they attribute personal meaning and relevance (...)
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    Pathways and crossroads to creditions: Insights from a retrospective view.Hans-Ferdinand Angel - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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  5. Zwischen Glaube und Skepsis.Hans Ferdinand Bürki - 1967 - [Wupertal]: Brackhaus.
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    Interpretationismus und symbolischer Pragmatismus. Zur Diskussion zwischen Günter Abel und Hans Lenk in AZP 13.3 (1988).Ferdinand Fellmann - 1990 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 15 (2):51-60.
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    Erinnerung an den künftigen Christen: zur Pneumatologie Ferdinand Ebners.Hans Rochelt - 2007 - Frankfurt am Main: Lang. Edited by Walter Methlagl & Stephan Haltmayer.
    Hans Rochelt erlautert den -sprachperspektivischen Ansatz- im dialogischen Denken des osterreichischen Philosophen Ferdinand Ebner. Ausgehend von Worten aus dem Alten und dem Neuen Testament setzt er sich kritisch mit Erscheinungen in Philosophie, Theologie, Psychologie, Naturwissenschaften und Sozialwissenschaften auseinander, zu denen das Denken Ebners in aufschlussreichem Zusammenhang oder im Kontrast steht. Die Grenzen wissenschaftlicher Verfahrensweisen und insgesamt einer sakularisierten Lebensform gegenuber dem real in der Sprache sich vollziehenden Verhaltnis zwischen Ich und Du werden exemplarisch sichtbar gemacht. Fur eine -Unterscheidung (...)
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  8. (1 other version)Pichler, Hans, Vom Wesen der Erkenntnis. [REVIEW]Ferdinand Weinhandl - 1929 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 34:469.
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    Symbolic Pragmatism. Hermeneutics after Dilthey (Symbolischer Pragmatismus Hermeneutik Nach Dilthey).Ferdinand Fellmann - 1991 - Hamburg, Germany: Rowohlt.
    In contrast to the hermeneutics of Hans-Georg Gadamer, which maintains the interpretation of classical texts, I emphasize the role of images in our everyday understanding. I see the added value of images in the fact that they show the latent background, from which the manifest messages draw their actual significance. Before Thomas Mitchell’s “pictorial turn”, I referred to the iconic turn as “imagic turn” in order to emphasize the originary connection between images and magic rituals. The magical component of (...)
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    From Locke to Saussure: Essays on the Study of Language and Intellectual History.Hans Aarsleff - 1982 - Burns & Oates.
    Presents theses about the history of linguistics, from John Locke to Ferdinand de Saussure, and reflects on language generally in the period from the 17th to the 19th century.
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    Présentation.Hans Vaihinger - 2014 - Philosophie 120 (1):3-11.
    L’article de Hans Vaihinger que nous traduisons possède à nos yeux l’intérêt historique suivant : il montre, à travers une controverse qui a opposé Ferdinand Brunetière à Louis Couturat sur le statut de la guerre chez Kant, la variété de la réception de Kant en France au tout début du xxe siècle, et le croisement de cette réception avec les enjeux politiques de l’époque. Nous allons découvrir, à travers...
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    Die Wirklichkeit des Menschen im Personalismus Martin Bubers, Ferdinand Ebners, Emil Brunners und Friedrich Gogartens.Soo-Hwan Han - 2001 - Hamburg: Kovač.
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    Philipp Osten, Das Tor zur Seele. Schlaf, Somnambulismus und Hellsehen im frühen 19. Jahrhundert, Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh 2015.Hans-Walter Schmidt-Hannisa - 2015 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 38 (3):259-260.
    Abstract383 S., € 44,90. ISBN 978-3-506-77935-9.
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    Walter Mohr: Waldes von seiner Berufung bis zu seinem Tode, Verlag Ferdinand Berger & Söhne, Horn/Niederösterreich o. J. (1971), 75 pp. Waldenser, Geschichte und Gegenwart, hrsg. v. Wolfgang Erk, Verlag Otto Lembeck, Frankfurt 1971, 263 pp. [REVIEW]Hans-Joachim Schoeps - 1972 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 24 (2):177-177.
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    Semioticians Make Strange Bedfellows! Or, Once Again: “Is Language a Primary Modelling System?”. [REVIEW]Han-Liang Chang - 2009 - Biosemiotics 2 (2):169-179.
    Like other sciences, biosemiotics also has its time-honoured archive, consisting of writings by those who have been invented and revered as ancestors of the discipline. One such example is Jakob von Uexküll. As to the people who ‘invented’ him, they are either, to paraphrase a French cliché, ‘agents du cosmopolitisme sémiotique’ like Thomas Sebeok, or de jure and de facto progenitor like Thure von Uexküll. In the archive is the special issue of Semiotica 42. 1 (1982) edited by the late (...)
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    Brill Online Books and Journals.Catherine Jami & Han Qi - 2003 - Early Science and Medicine 8 (2):88-110.
    Contrary to astronomy, the early modern Chinese State did not systematically sponsor mathematics. However, early in his reign, the Kangxi Emperor studied this subject with the Jesuit missionaries in charge of the calendar. His first teacher, Ferdinand Verbiest relied on textbooks based on Christoph Clavius'. Those who succeeded Verbiest as imperial tutors in the 1690s produced lecture notes in Manchu and Chinese. Newly discovered manuscripts show Antoine Thomas wrote substantial treatises on arithmetic and algebra while teaching those subjects. In (...)
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  17. Hans Hubert Anton, Trier im frühen Mittelalter.(Quellen und Forschungen aus dem Gebiet der Geschichte, ns 9.) Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh, 1987. Paper. Pp. 237; 4 maps. DM 68. [REVIEW]Alain J. Stoclet - 1990 - Speculum 65 (3):603-604.
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  18. La positivité de l'être comme amour chez Ferdinand Ulrich à l'arrière-plan de Theologik III: Sur un mot de Hans Urs von Balthasar.Emmanuel Tourpe - 2008 - Gregorianum 89 (1):86-117.
    L'oeuvre mature de Hans Urs von Balthasar renvoie de manière insistante à la métaphysique de Ferdinand Ulrich comme arrière-plan philosophique de la théologie développée par le penseur suisse. L'interprétation que donne F. Ulrich, en particulier dans son chef d'oeuvre Homo Abyssus, de l'ontologie thomiste, est originale par le fait qu'elle conçoit l'être comme don et obéissance. Balthasar n'a pas manqué de relever que ce thomisme de l'amour évite le risque de sombrer dans une ontologie négative, dans laquelle la (...)
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    Hans-Joachim Schoeps (Hrsg.): Zeitgeist der Au f klärung, Beiträge von Karl Epting, Gerhard Funke, Kurt Kluxen, Karl Kupisch, Hans-Joachim Maurer, Pierre-Paul Savage, Hans-Joachim Schoeps, Hellmuth von Ulmann, Alfred Voigt, Sammlung Schöningh zur Geschichte und Gegenwart, Ferdinand Schöningh, Paderborn 1972, 199 pp. [REVIEW]Friedrich Wilhelm Kantzenbach - 1973 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 25 (4):356-356.
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    Ernst Heinen – Hans Julius Schoeps : Geschichte in der Gegenwart. Festschrift für Kurt Kluxen zu seinem 60. Geburtstag. Ferdinand Schöningh Paderborn 1972, pp. [REVIEW]Horst Schallenberger - 1975 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 27 (3):270-273.
  21. Rüdiger Becksmann, with the assistance of Fritz Herz and on the basis of material prepared by Hans Wentzel (†) and Ferdinand Werner, Die mittelalterlichen Glasmalereien in Schwaben von 1350 bis 1530 ohne Ulm.(Corpus Vitrearum Medii Aevi, Deutschland, 1/2.) Berlin: Deutscher Verlag für Kunstwissenschaft, 1986. Pp. lix, 423; 14 color plates, many black-and-white plates and figures. [REVIEW]Madeline H. Caviness - 1990 - Speculum 65 (1):118-119.
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    Beiträge zum Problem der Ursprünglichkeit der mittelalterlich-scholastischen Ontologie.Hans Blumenberg - 2020 - Berlin: Suhrkamp. Edited by Benjamin Dahlke & Matthias Laarmann.
    1947 legt Hans Blumenberg aus Bargteheide in Holstein an der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel seine unter schwierigsten persönlichen Umständen entstandene Dissertation 'Beiträge zum Problem der Ursprünglichkeit der mittelalterlich-scholastischen Ontologie" vor. Hinter diesem Titel verbirgt sich eine mit ständigem Bezug auf die Philosophie Heideggers und seine "Fundamentalontologie' geführte Auseinandersetzung mit dem Denken des christlichen Mittelalters, in dem die Frage nach dem Grund des Seins eine so krisenhafte wie produktive Zuspitzung erfahren hatte. Die Dissertation wird von den Gutachtern Ludwig Landgrebe und Rudolf (...)
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    Die Legitimität der Neuzeit.Hans Blumenberg - 1988
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    Aus dem briefwechsel wilhelm ackermanns.Hans Richard Ackermann - 1983 - History and Philosophy of Logic 4 (1-2):181-202.
    A selection from the correspondence of the logician Wilhelm Ackermann (1896?1962) is presented in this article. The most significant letters were exchanged with Bernays, Scholz and Lorenzen, from which extensive passages are transcribed. Some remarks from other letters, with quotations, are also included.
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  25. (1 other version)Philosophic Foundations of Quantum Mechanics.Hans Reichenbach - 1947 - Mind 56 (221):77-81.
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    Arguing about desirable consequences: What constitutes a convincing argument?Hans Hoeken, Rian Timmers & Peter Jan Schellens - 2012 - Thinking and Reasoning 18 (3):394 - 416.
    Argument quality has consistently been shown to have strong and lasting persuasive effects. The question is what criteria people use to distinguish strong from weak arguments and how these criteria relate to the ones proposed in normative argumentation theory. In an experiment 235 participants without training in argumentation theory rated the acceptance of 30 claims about the desirability of a consequence that were supported by either an argument from analogy, from authority, or from consequences. The supporting arguments were systematically manipulated (...)
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    Determinacy of Content.Hans-Johann Glock - 2020 - The Harvard Review of Philosophy 27:101-120.
    Few arguments against intentional states in animals have stood the test of time. But one objection by Stich and Davidson has never been rebutted. In my reconstruction it runs: Ascribing beliefs to animals is vacuous, unless something counts as an animal believing one specific “content” rather than another; Nothing counts as an animal believing one specific content rather than another, because of their lack of language; Ergo: Ascribing beliefs to animals is vacuous. Several attempts to block the argument challenge the (...)
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    Studying in the Superdiverse City: System_D and the Challenge of Solidarity in Brussels.Hans Schildermans, Joke Vandenabeele, Joris Vlieghe & Piotr Zamojski - 2020 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 39 (3):257-268.
    In recent years, the relation between studying and learning has been a topic of debate. This article is mainly interested in a concept of study practices, conceived of as practices that are strongly engaged with issues of living together in a superdiverse city. Such practices firstly require to think the relation between studying and learning in other-than-oppositional terms, and secondly, to raise questions concerning the political role of education. The aim of the article is double in that it wants to (...)
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  29.  56
    Social Justice, Health Inequities, and Access to New Age-Related Interventions.Hans-Jörg Ehni & Georg Marckmann - 2009 - Medicine Studies 1 (3):281-295.
    Social Justice, Health Inequities, and Access to New Age-Related Interventions Content Type Journal Article Category Original Paper Pages 281-295 DOI 10.1007/s12376-009-0027-3 Authors Hans-Jörg Ehni, University of Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Baden-Württemberg Germany Georg Marckmann, University of Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Baden-Württemberg Germany Journal Medicine Studies Online ISSN 1876-4541 Print ISSN 1876-4533 Journal Volume Volume 1 Journal Issue Volume 1, Number 3.
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    On the Essence and Value of Democracy.Hans Kelsen - 2000 - In Arthur Jacobson & Bernhard Schlink (eds.), Weimar: A Jurisprudence of Crisis. University of California Press.
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    Die Idee der Zerstreuung und Wiedersammlung bei den Propheten.Petr Frantik - 2021 - In Michael Bongardt, Holger Burckhart, John-Stewart Gordon & Jürgen Nielsen-Sikora (eds.), Hans Jonas-Handbuch: Leben – Werk – Wirkung. J.B. Metzler. pp. 160-163.
    Die 1922 in Der jüdische Student im Berliner Verlag Ferdinand Ostertag publizierte Schrift Die Idee der Zerstreuung und Widersammlung bei den Propheten war die erste Veröffentlichung von Hans Jonas. Zur Zeit der Verfassung des Textes war Jonas Mitglied in der 1906 gegründeten jüdischen Studentenvereinigung Maccabaea, der er vom Herbst 1921 bis Frühjahr 1923 angehörte. Der Staat Israel existierte noch nicht, das heutige Staatsgebiet stand seit dem Zusammenbruch des Osmanischen Reiches 1920 unter britischem Mandat.
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  32. Mamluk Studies Vol. 18.Hans-Ulrich Kühn - 2019
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    Bioethik – Bioethics.Hans-Martin Sass - 2014 - Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte 56:221-228.
    The term >Bioethik Bioethical Imperative: Respect every living being in general as an end in itself and treat it, if possible, as such! reinvented Bioethics: The Science of Survival Kennedy Institute of Bioethics three-located birth bioethics medical ethics bioethics< as a comprehensive term, which includes social, cultural, environmental, medical and other fields of applied ethics.
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  34. Jewish Christianity: Factional Disputes in the Early Church.Hans-Joachim Schoeps & Douglas R. A. Hare - 1969
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    Knowledge and Time.Hans Primas - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Springer. Edited by Harald Atmanspacher.
    This is a unique volume by a unique scientist, which combines conceptual, formal, and engineering approaches in a way that is rarely seen. Its core is the relation between ways of learning and knowing on the one hand and different modes of time on the other. Partial Boolean logic and the associated notion of complementarity are used to express this relation, and mathematical tools of fundamental physics are used to formalize it. Along the way many central philosophical problems are touched (...)
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  36.  96
    Safe Contraction Revisited.Hans Rott & Sven Ove Hansson - 2014 - In Sven Ove Hansson (ed.), David Makinson on Classical Methods for Non-Classical Problems (Outstanding Contributions to Logic, Vol. 3). Springer. pp. 35–70.
    Modern belief revision theory is based to a large extent on partial meet contraction that was introduced in the seminal article by Carlos Alchourrón, Peter Gärdenfors, and David Makinson that appeared in 1985. In the same year, Alchourrón and Makinson published a significantly different approach to the same problem, called safe contraction. Since then, safe contraction has received much less attention than partial meet contraction. The present paper summarizes the current state of knowledge on safe contraction, provides some new results (...)
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  37. (1 other version)The Problem of Individuality.Hans Driesch - 1914 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 78:214-215.
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    Bounded Revision: Two-Dimensional Belief Change Between Conservative and Moderate Revision.Hans Rott - 2012 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 41 (1):173-200.
    This paper presents the model of ‘bounded revision’ that is based on two-dimensional revision functions taking as arguments pairs consisting of an input sentence and a reference sentence. The key idea is that the input sentence is accepted as far as (and just a little further than) the reference sentence is ‘cotenable’ with it. Bounded revision satisfies the AGM axioms as well as the Same Beliefs Condition (SBC) saying that the set of beliefs accepted after the revision does not depend (...)
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  39. The Feeling of Being a Group. Towards a Phenomenology of Corporate Emotions.Hans Bernhard Schmid - 2014 - In Christian von Scheve & Mikko Salmella (eds.), Collective Emotions. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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    Measuring the performance potential of chess programs.Hans J. Berliner, Gordon Goetsch, Murray S. Campbell & Carl Ebeling - 1990 - Artificial Intelligence 43 (1):7-20.
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    Schulenburg's Leibniz als Sprachforscher, with some Observations on Leibniz and the Study of Language.Hans Aarsleff - 1975 - Studia Leibnitiana 7 (1):122 - 134.
    This book is the best and most comprehensive treatment we have of Leibniz' study of natural languages, on the same high level of scholarship, knowledge, and insight as the essay Sigrid von der Schulenburg published in 1937. With its rich detail and source references, it is indispensable both to Leibniz scholars and to students of the history of the study of language. The editor's careful indices make it possible to use the book also as a work of reference. The reviewer (...)
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    Schools of Thought: The Development of Linguistics from Bopp to SaussureOlga Amsterdamska.Hans Aarsleff - 1990 - Isis 81 (4):810-811.
  43.  21
    Een filosofische liefdesaffaire?: de briefwisseling tussen Heidegger en Arendt.Hans Achterhuis - 2003 - Krisis: Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 4 (3):49-59.
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    Geweld.Hans Achterhuis - 2005 - Krisis 6 (4):53-56.
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    The Carousel Society.Hans Achterhuis - 2003 - Ethical Perspectives 10 (2):129-137.
    In this article, the author argues against a universal restriction on our pursuit of acceleration. Instead, he presents arguments for a selective slowdown in different areas of our life.
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    Faktičnost, egzistencija, klima. Problem bivanja-u-svijetu između Martina Heideggera i Watsujija Tetsurôa.Hans Peter Liederbach - 2005 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 96 (1):71-86.
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  47. Sprachstadium und Sprachsystem.Hans-Heinrich Lieb - 1970 - Mainz,: Kohlhammer.
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  48. Presentation.Hans Lindahl & Erik Claes - 2009 - Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 38 (2):87-89.
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  49. The politics of enlightenment: a principle of insufficient reason?Hans Lindahl - 1995 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 87 (3):121-141.
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  50. (1 other version)Untersuchungen zur Phänomenologie der Erkenntnis.Hans Lipps - 1928 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 7:158-158.
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